Wonderful Information

Hello, and welcome to THE RANCH where we have been having Fellowship , Special Meetings and Retreats for over 40 years.

Although an actual working Cattle Ranch, we have been blessed in hosting many great times in the Lord with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The Lord has used this Old Ranch and the Grounds in a special way over the years. People bring Tents, Campers, Motor Homes or stay in Motels and we have the greatest times here.

We enjoy wonderful times of Laughter, Singing, Sharing, and Great Testimonies, while getting to know others in the Body of Christ. There have always been many Divine Appointments and Connections for people as they have met here at the Ranch as well.

Also, we have been blessed with many Great Men and Women of God, who have come toTeach , Share and Minister to us through the years. What a privilege this has been! It is not unusual to hear teachings that truly bring Real Revelation as some of His called and anointed servants bring forth the Word of God.

Many have come and received a Physical Healing or an Emotional Healing here, along with many others who have received Deliverance from Demonic Bondages.

The Lord often moves by His Spirit in the Prophetic gifts, and many have received a Word from the Lord that has Exhorted, Comforted or Confirmed things in their lives and callings.The Lord always seems to bring the right person, with the right anointing, at the right time, for His people.

Singing in the Spirit also plays a big part in our worship times here at the ranch, and many in the Body of Christ have had their first-time exposure to High Worship, here. It is wonderful to hear the beautiful waves of harmonies and to experience the real, tangible, Presence of the Holy Spirit, as we Worship Him in unity with all of our Hearts.

We endeavor to allow the Holy Spirit to move completely and freely in our meetings, and it has been our privilege to watch our Lord Jesus do many Great and Wonderful things here!

We hope you will read on, and that we will get to meet you soon!

The Staff at The Ranch!



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What We Believe Prayer Requests Serve With Us What To Bring